Curious about directing during your senior year? Click here.
Have ideas about titles or types of shows we should do next year? Check out this list of ideas.
Contact K or Perk to add your idea to the list.

We want a "Standing O"
on our shows!
In order to get a Gender Parity "Standing O" designation, a production must meet three of five criteria:
For the Student Directing Festival:
YES! Have a woman director (one of them).
NO Have a woman playwright.
YES! At least 50 percent of the casts are women.
YES! At least 50 percent of the design team are women.
YES! Tell a woman-centered story (one of them).
​Read more about the Boston Stage Source "Standing O" designation here.

South Stage is fortunate to have a full-time Tech Director and part-time Costumer, so many opportunities exist for newbies to learn and grow while making connections.
​Students interested in tech, stage crew, and costumes are welcome to drop in to the​ Lab Theatre Rm. 9135 during Lion Block or after school.